配送,退貨,退款須知 Shipping Policy

摘要 Summary
訂單會在當天或 7 個工作天內發貨,運送到全球 300 多個目的地,所有訂單(無論大小)均可免費送貨。由於有時訂單量較大,出貨時間可能會延長。目前,我們每週 5 天向全球發貨,週六、週日和某些假日除外。

Orders are shipped out to over 300 destinations worldwide on the same day or within 7 business days processing time with FREE shipping on all orders however small or big. Due to sometimes big order volumes, ship out times may be extended.

付款方式 Accepted Payments
我們商店的商品價格以港幣、美元、和許多其他貨幣提供。如需完整列表,只需在右上角的Menu裡之貨幣切換器選擇最適合您的貨幣。客戶可以選擇透過信用卡或 PayPal 付款。

Our store items prices are available in HKD, USD and AUD and many other currencies. For a full list simply click the currency switcher in the menu to choose the one best applied to you. Customers have the option of paying via credit card or PayPal.

關稅 Duties and Taxes
我們提前處理並支付所有可能的發貨關稅。客戶無需為接收訂單支付任何費用。如果您確實收到任何國內要求支付關稅的要求,請立即通知我們並附上發票照片,以便我們為您付款以將其釋放(通過從您的購買金額中扣除該金額),但請放心這基本上永遠不會發生。如果未能通知我們,導致貨件被退回,將不符合我們的 7 天無條件退款資格。

We handle and pay all possible duties and taxes on shipments ahead of time. Customers do not need to pay anything for receiving orders. If you do receive any domestic requirements to ask for payment of duties, immediately notify us with a photo of the invoice so we can pay it for you to have it released (through deduction of the amount from your purchase amount), although rest assured that this essentially will never happen. Failure to notify us about this, leading to the shipment from being returned will not qualify for our 7-day unconditional refund.

配送時間 Shipping Times

Delivery time frames
Delivery Method
香港, 澳門
Hong Kong Macau
Within a week
Postal or other courier
Other regions
One to three weeks, subject to local customs processing times
Postal or other courier


*not including holidays, weekends and days in which delivery, processing and customs clearance companies and institutions are not working, also times are general averages and may not reflect when domestic processing experience delays due to various reasons

**我們會選擇最有效率的配送方法, 其中包含可能包裹分批發送

**we choose the best delivery method based on your delivery location and package size, including possibly separating orders into multiple shipments

– 保證 30 天交貨期限或全額退款 – Guaranteed 30 day delivery time limit or your full money back
我們保證所有訂單在 30 天內到達。如果您的訂單未能在官方發貨時間(根據官方追蹤資訊)後 30 天內到達,那麼我們將無條件 100% 退款。這是我們客戶滿意的保證。

We guarantee ALL orders to arrive within 30 days. If your order fails to arrive within 30 days after official shipping time(based on official tracking information) then we will issue 100% refund no questions asked. This is our customer satisfaction guarantee.

聯絡資訊 Contact Information

Customers are required to provide their email address and phone number when entering delivery information upon checkout. Contact telephone number is required by our shipping partners so that the you can be contacted if necessary during delivery. However we will never contact customers by phone, instead only by email. For orders going to the USA we may occasionally send text messages to customers if we cannot get a hold of you from email. If phone number cannot be provided, and if there is a problem with the delivery, such as not being able to deliver the goods, receiving the wrong package, etc., we will not be liable for any responsibility. If the customer information is wrongly added and there is a problem with delivery, we will also not be liable. If you suspect that delivery and contact information have been entered wrong, please notify us immediately.

退貨和退款 Returns and Refunds
我們目前提供 7 天無條件 100% 退款,無需退回任何商品。7 天是根據官方追蹤資訊從您的訂單交付之日起計算的。7 天后,我們需要提供產品缺陷的照片證明才能退款。我們保留對於是否確實存在缺陷以及缺陷或工藝的程度是否可以允許退款(無論是全部還是部分退款)的決定權。因衣服尺寸不符合個人身材的問題不屬於此條範圍,除非客人能夠證明產品尺寸嚴重與描述不相複合。

We currently offer 7-day unconditional refunds of 100% without the need to return any items. 7 days is calculated from the day your order has been delivered based on official tracking information. After 7 days have passed, we require photo proof of product defects for issuance of refund. We retain the right to interpretation of whether defects are truly present and whether the extent of the defect or craftsmanship is warranted for any refund, whether complete or partial. Problems due to clothing sizes that do not fit your personal body shape do not fall within the scope of this policy unless the customer can prove that the product size is seriously inconsistent with the description.

追蹤號碼 Tracking Numbers

All orders have a number, which customers can use to check whether it is still in progress or has been shipped. Shipped orders will have a delivery tracking number, which you can use to follow up on delivery progress. If you have any questions, please contact us by email. The order number is automatically sent to the customer’s email address by our system after the order is placed. If you fail to receive it, it may have been mistaken for spam and subsequently sent to the trash bin. If you cannot find the order confirmation email in neither spam nor trash, please contact us immediately and we will reissue it to you. Order processing and delivery status can be found in the store menu on the upper right corner or accessed here.